- Parent Resources
Here are resources that will be useful for parents
- School Interviews – To book Parent Teacher Interviews
- Lunch Online
- Learn about our ‘Skills for Life’ what they are and how to interpret the information.
- Instructions how to download the HERO app.
- A Health Guide Relating to Student Attendance: A guide for parents
- Curriculum Resources
This section of the website is to provide parents with resources that will help their child in their learning.
- ChatBus Counselling
Click here to:
- ChatBus Information
- To access a permission form click here. (Download and complete and return to the office)
- Parent Teacher Referral Form (Download and complete and return to the office)
- Click here to make an online referral.
- ChatBus Video
- Healthy School Lunches
Providing a healthy lunch provides the fuel to ensure children remain focused and full of energy through out the school day.
Try planning a healthy lunch box to start the school year. Talk to your children and discuss what they would be happy to have included.
The six key parts to a healthy lunchbox include:
- Fruit – best choices include fresh or tinned fruit. Dried fruit is sticky and high in sugar, so have it occasionally.
- Vegetables – try fresh crunchy vegetable sticks with dip or a small container with mixed vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, capsicum and cucumber.
- Milk, yoghurt or cheese – you can use reduced-fat options for children over the age of 2 years. For children who cannot tolerate milk products, offer appropriate daily alternatives like calcium fortified soy or rice drink or soy yoghurt.
- Meat or meat alternative foods – try lean meat (like chicken strips), a hard-boiled egg or peanut butter. Our school does not have a nut-free policy, peanut butter and other nuts can be included in your child’s lunchbox.
- Grain or cereal foods – like a bread roll, flat bread, fruit bread or some crackers (wholegrain or wholemeal options) or rice.
- Drinks – Please provide tap water only for children to drink. There are drinking fountains at school and these have taps for filling drink bottles.
- We have a strict non food sharing policy where children do not share food. This is to keep children with food allergies safe. If your child has food allergies please discus this with the school so actions can be put in place.
Below are some ideas to help parents prepare healthy lunches for their children.